BankMobile Disbursements

Financial Aid Refund Process and Credit Balances

When it comes to receiving financial aid refunds and credit balances, you deserve choices! Chaffey College delivers your refund with BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, inc. 

It is critical that all students have a correct mailing address on file with Chaffey College to receive your Refund Selection Kit. Please log onto the My Chaffey Portal by clicking My Chaffey to confirm or update your permanent address.

Students who are new to Chaffey College will receive information by mail and e-mail from BankMobile regarding the process to select their refund preference. Receiving a Refund Selection Kit is not a guarantee of financial aid. Even if you do not expect a refund from Chaffey College, you may receive one in the future for many reasons (i.e. scholarships, other resources, etc.).

Please go online at for more information and make your refund selection preference. 

When you receive this kit (green envelope in the mail), follow these simple steps to choose a preference:

  • In your green envelope there will be a unique Personal Code which you will need to select your disbursement method. If have lost your Personal Code you can request another code by contacting the Chaffey College Financial Aid Office.
  • Select how you’d like to receive your money
  • Click on the link below under Let' Get Started. Your choices for disbursement delivery are just a few clicks away!


Let's Get Started!

Create Your BankMobile PROFILE

  • Complete your profile. On the next screen, you will enter your email and create a password.
  • After your password, you will enter your Date of Birth in the format YYYYMMDD. Example: If your birthday is October 31, 1997, you would enter 19971031.


    BankMobile Disbursement Options:

    Money is transferred to another account the same business day BankMobile receives funds from your Chaffey College. Typically, it takes 1 – 2 business days for the receiving bank to credit the money to your account.

    If you open a BankMobile Vibe account (upon identity verification), money is deposited the same business day BankMobile receives funds from Chaffey College.


Important Links


Title IV Credit Balances (Pell and SEOG grants, Direct Loans): Credit balances created by these credits will be automatically issued within the timeframe per federal regulations 14 days from the date your financial aid was applied to your account to process a Refund. If a credit balance remains that is owed to the student, the college will issue a credit balance refund via BankMobile Disbursements refund process. 

Disbursement Information Link:  

To view our third-party servicer contract for refund management, click here.