Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT)

The goal of the Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) is to identify students who appear to be in distress and provide supportive intervention for them, as well as guidance to the referring party, before the student reaches crisis level.  If you are aware of a student in distress, please be sure to reach out to us and submit an online BIT referral as soon as possible so that we may provide support for them and for you too. If you are unsure about how or where to referral, please use the chart and links below to assist you.

Please know that once you submit an online BIT referral it is reviewed and addressed in a timely manner by utilizing all the resources available to us and with all parties' safety and best interests in mind.

The BIT takes every referral seriously and cares deeply about the safety, well-being, and success of our community members. Remember, BIT is not an emergency service. If you have an emergency situation, contact campus police, (909) 652-6911.

  • Student of Concern Referral Form. Please use our online form if you’d like to refer a behavior concern.
  • BIT Membership (list below)
  • Guide on How to Write a Referral
  • BIT Resources
  • FAQs


Behavioral Intervention Team Members

Steven Griffin
Chief of Police, Campus Police
(909) 652-6630


Audley Francis
Police Captain, Campus Police
(909) 652-6630

Gail Keith-Gibson
Adjunct Faculty, Rancho Cucamonga Success Center
(909) 652-7149

Vatche Kaprielian
Manager, Student Health Services
(909) 652-6333

Patty Powell
DPS Counselor, ACSW, LCSW, BCD
(909) 652-6395
Veronica Rios
Administrative Assistant II, Student Affairs
(909) 652-6510

Cheryl Newman-Tarwater
Director, HEAT 
(909) 652-6630

Richard Munoz
Social Worker, HEAT
(909) 652-6630