Student Government

ccsg logoChaffey College Student Government's (CCSG) purpose is to engage and empower the student body. CCSG strives to create opportunities for student growth, provide resources for student success and advocate for student's rights.


The organization consists of up to 25 students, including five executive board members and 20 senators. Students can pursue positions in student government if they’ve been a student for at least one semester, enroll in at least five units per semester and meet a number of other criteria.

CCSG supports student scholarships and campus grant programs, student club events and activities throughout the academic year.  CCSG members also sit on a variety of participatory governance committees to advocate for student's rights.

CCSG Vision:  "Together, CCSG passionately advocates for the success of students!"


2024-25 CCSG Members

Name Position - CCSG Committee Participatory Governance Committee
Corah Miller CCSG President/Student Trustee - Chair of CCSG Executive Board Chaffey College Governing Board
Jaspreet Kaur Vice President - Chair of CCSG Student Senate and CCSG Elections Committee TBD
Jumana Iskandar Director of Outreach & Engagement - Chair of O&E Committee TBD
Alex DeNuto Director of Finance & Administration - Chair of F&A Committee
Simran Sharma

Director of Regional Affairs - Chair of Regional Affairs/Conference Committee


Matthew Caddell Senator TBD
Grace Chen Senator TBD
Ethan Covarrubias Senator TBD
Kendale Dunham Senator TBD
Zoe Forniss Senator TBD
Youanna Gorgyous Senator TBD
Jourdyn Johnson Senator TBD
Rose Martinez Senator  TBD
Sara Minero Senator  TBD
Anthony Soliman Senator  TBD
Imanol Torrero Santiago Senator TBD
Parneet Virk Senator TBD
Charles Williams Faculty Advisor  


Student Life
(909) 652-6590 


Your Voice Matters!

As a Chaffey student, you have a right to be considered in the College’s decision-making process.


CCSG Senator FAQs

A CCSG Senator is a voting member of CCSG Student Senate and a CCSG standing committee and CCSG Senators are appointed to a campus-wide shared governance committee. Being a CCSG Senator gives you the opportunity to positively impact the lives of students at Chaffey College. It will also be an opportunity to hone your leadership, team work, and advocacy skills.

After you are inducted as a CCSG Senator, you will be appointed to one of the CCSG standing committees and to at least one campus-wide shared governance committee. The work you do on those committees will be assigned to you by the Chair of the committee.

There are currently two CCSG standing committees: Finance & Administration (F&A) and Outreach & Engagement (O&E). Senators will be appointed to committees by the current CCSG President.

Senate and CCSG committee meetings are fixed to meet every Monday from 12:30pm to 2pm. Every other week, your committee chair may hold an additional meeting to discuss committee business. The campus-wide shared governance committees generally meet every other week and the days/times vary.  In addition to meeting, CCSG Senators will also actively participate in CCSG sponsored and co-sponsored events.  On average, the weekly time commitment for a CCSG Senator is approximately 2-4 hours.

Currently, we require Senators to have a 2.5 G.P.A., be enrolled in at least 6 semester units, have paid or be scheduled to pay the College Service Fee, and have been at Chaffey for at least a semester.

Yes, there is a role for Student Representative. Student Representatives are student volunteers that can volunteer on CCSG committees without needing to meet the requirements for the Senator position.