Adjunct (Part-Time) Faculty Information
The search tool below has been updated to link applicants to the Community College Career Connect jobs webpage. You will need to sign in to apply.
If you had an active CCC Registry account, a “starter” account has been created for you on the Community College Career Connect website. Basic details (such as your name, email address, and phone number) will transfer over. You will still need to complete the rest of your profile, including uploading documents (e.g., resumes, cover letters) and setting up job alerts based on your interests and experience. When you register on the new site, you’ll be prompted to review and update any information that was copied over.
Please visit the CCC Registry website to apply for part-time faculty opportunities (see instructions below the job announcements list). These positions are "POOLS".
Click Here Community College Career Connect (Formerly CCC Registry)
List of Adjunct (Part-Time) Faculty "Pool" Job Announcements
Position |
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I apply for a part-time teaching opportunity at Chaffey College?
Chaffey College utilizes Community College Career Connect (formerly California Community College Registry) to advertise part-time teaching opportunities and maintain ongoing applicant pools. These are temporary, part-time positions and may be located at any of the College's three campuses. If you would like to apply for a discipline(s) for which you meet the minimum qualifications, please visit CCC Connect website by clicking on the link below to complete and submit application materials.
Click on above link to CCC Connect general website
Part-time faculty must meet the minimum qualifications established by the State Chancellor's Office, possess a valid lifetime California Community College credential, or possess equivalent qualifications (the Request for Equivalency instructions may be accessed here). To review these minimum qualifications and identify disciplines that you may be qualified to teach, please click on the link below.
Minimum Qualifications for Faculty and Administrators
- In order to be considered for a part-time teaching opportunity at Chaffey College,
you must submit all of the following documents through the CCC Connect website:
- CCC Connect online application
- Resume/curriculum vitae
- Unofficial Transcripts
- Once your application and resume are submitted through CCC Connect website, your information will be available for review by the District's designated personnel for potential part-time teaching opportunities. If you are identified as a potential candidate for an open course, you may be contacted by a District representative. If you are contacted by the District, copies of unofficial transcripts verifying degree conferral are required immediately.
Why does Chaffey College use the Community College Career Connect?
- Applicants have the benefit of completing and submitting application materials online, which reduces paper and contributes to environmental sustainability.
- Use of the CCC Connect provides the District with access to a broad pool of applicants.
- When you submit your application materials to CCC Connect, your qualifications are available for review and consideration by colleges state-wide.
What disciplines are taught at the college?
- The link below includes a list of disciplines that are offered within the District.
- Once you identify a discipline(s) for which you are both qualified and interested,
please ensure that you identify this discipline(s) when submitting your information
on the CCC Connect website.
Chaffey College Disciplines
Where can I find the Faculty Values - Pride Statement?
To review the Faculty Values - Pride Statement, please click on the link below:
Faculty Values - Pride Statement
How can I find out which departments are hiring?
- The District may review application materials at any time during the year; however, instructors are generally assigned to courses several months in advance of the beginning of each term.
- In some cases, the District may email a group of applicants through the CCC Connect to advertise potential opportunities for specific courses.
What if I submitted an application to Chaffey for part-time teaching in the past?
You will need to complete the application process with CCC Connect in order to be
considered for future part-time teaching opportunities. Individuals responsible for
identifying potential part-time instructors currently utilize CCC Connect to search
for potential instructors; therefore, hard copy application packets on file in the
Office of Human Resources will not be reviewed.
Please visit the link below to submit your application materials to CCC Connect:
California Community Colleges Job Link
Who do I contact if I need assistance?
- If you have any questions related to the District or information presented on this
webpage, please call the Chaffey College Office of Human Resources at (909) 652-6549 or (909) 652-6526.
Hours: Monday - Friday, 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
- If you have questions related to the CCC Registry or technical questions regarding
submitting application materials on the Community College Career Connect website,
please email
Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm