Equal Opportunity

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Plan 2022-25

Non-Discrimination and Prohibition of Harassment Policy

The Chaffey Community College District is committed to providing equal educational and employment opportunity. The district affirms its commitment with policies that include fair and equitable treatment of students and employees, and prohibits discrimination in its admission, access and treatment in college programs and activities, and application for and treatment in college employment on the basis of race, color, ethnic group identification, national origin, ancestry, religion, religious creed, sex, physical or mental disability, medical condition (including cancer), age, marital status, sexual orientation or status as a Vietnam-era veteran.

In accordance with Title IX regulations, the district offers equal academic, occupational and extracurricular opportunities regardless of the sex/gender of the individual. The Title IX coordinator, Susan Hardie, Director, Human Resources, may be contacted at (909) 652-6531, email susan.hardie@chaffey.edu, or via mail at Chaffey College Human Resources, 5885 Haven Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91737.

The district, authorized under federal law to enroll non-immigrant and alien students, and, in accordance with Title 5 regulations, affirms that the lack of English language skills will not be a barrier to admission and participation in the district's programs. 

Persons who seeks information and/or resolution of alleged acts of unlawful discrimination, retaliation, or harassment are directed to contact the District's Compliance Officer, Susan Hardie, Director, Human Resources, Chaffey College, 5885 Haven Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91737-3002; telephone (909) 652-6531, email susan.hardie@chaffey.edu.

Sexual Harassment Policy

It is the policy of the Chaffey Community College District to provide for all students and employees, and educational, employment, and business environment free of all forms of harassment, exploitation, intimidation, or unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal, visual, or physical conduct or communications of a sexual nature as defined and otherwise prohibited by the California Fair Employment and Housing Act, California Education Code, and State and Federal rules, regulations, statutes and laws prohibiting sexual harassment and retaliation. 

The district is strongly opposed to sexual harassment and expressly forbids sexual harassment of its students and employees by faculty, managers, staff, students or members of the general public. The college will take whatever appropriate action to prevent, correct, and, if necessary, discipline inappropriate behavior. 

Sexual harassment shall be immediately reported to the District's Compliance Officer, Susan Hardie, Director, Human Resources, Chaffey College, 5885 Haven Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91737-3002; telephone (909) 652-6531, email susan.hardie@chaffey.edu or to any dean, director, or manager for immediate reporting to the district's compliance officer, or designee. Every effort will be made to ensure that confidentiality is maintained.


Academic Freedom

The district is committed to academic freedom, but recognizes that academic freedom does not allow sexual harassment or any other form of unlawful harassment or discrimination. The lecture, content, and discourse that are an intrinsic part of the course content shall, in no event, constitute sexual harassment or other form of unlawful harassment or discrimination. It is recognized that an essential function of education is a probing of received opinions and an exploration of ideas that may cause some students discomfort. It is further recognized that academic freedom ensures the faculty's right to teach and the student's right to learn. Finally, nothing in this policy shall be interpreted to prohibit bona fide academic requirements for a specific program, course or activity.

Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in employment, public services including public and private transportation, public accommodations and telecommunications services.

Support services for students with disabilities are provided through Disability Programs and Services. Anyone needing information about services for students with disabilities should contact this office at (909) 652-6379 or TDD/TTY 909-466-2829, email dps.staff@chaffey.edu. The toll free numbers for the California Relay Service are 800-735-2929 or 877-735-2929 for TDD/TTY users. Employees (faculty, non-faculty, or student worker) requiring accommodations should contact the Office of Human Resources, Susan Hardie, Director of Human Resources, at (909) 652-6531, email susan.hardie@chaffey.edu.

Section 504-Rehabilitation Act

In accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, Chaffey College abides by the regulation that "no otherwise handicapped individual" shall be excluded from participation in programs and services offered by the College "solely by reason of the handicap." The Director of the Disabilities, Programs and Services (DPS) Department serves as 504/508/ADA Coordinator and may provide information and answer questions regarding access for students with disabilities. The may be reached at Chaffey College, Director, DPS, 5885 Haven Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91737-3002; or via telephone at (909) 652-6390, or via email dps.staff@chaffey.edu.

If a student has a complaint under the provisions of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, the complaining party should first discuss the complaint with the individual(s) involved or with the Chaffey College 504/508 and/or the ADA Coordinator. The 504/508, ADA Coordinators will contact all parties concerned, if appropriate, and attempt to reach resolution. Contact: (909) 652-6379, or dps.staff@ chaffey.edu. If the complaint cannot be resolved within ten working days, the complainant may then proceed to file a formal complaint with the Office of Human Resources, Susan Hardie, Director, Human Resources, at (909) 652-6531 or email at susan.hardie@chaffey.edu.