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students in a classroom

Facilities Management

Facility management integrates people, place, process and technology. Core competencies for a facility manager include communication, emergency preparedness and business continuity, environmental stewardship and sustainability, finance and business, human factors, leadership and strategy, operations and maintenance, project management, quality, real estate and property management and technology. Our courses provide a solid grounding in facilities management, business law, communication, management, project management, accounting and business ethics.

Explore Your Programs Degree/Certificate Options

Facilities Management AS Program Map

Facilities Management Certificate Program Map



Start your path to becoming a Facilities Management professional today!
Connect with a counselor and schedule your classes in person, online, or by phone: Academic and Career Counseling link


Business Administration

(909) 652-6830

Thierry Brusselle, AA, BS, MBA
Thierry Brusselle, AA, BS, MBA
Professor, Business Administration
Coordinator, Business, Legal Studies, & Real Estate
(909) 652-6835