Academic and Career Counseling Directory


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Counseling Administration

Alisha Serrano
Interim Dean of Academic and Career Counseling
Margaret Gonzalez
Educational Program Assistant
Karen Medrano
Counseling Office Coordinator
Jocelyn Carbajal
Administrative Assistant II



Maria Beck, M.S.
Counseling Faculty
Jackie Boboye, Ed.D.
Counseling Faculty
International Student Advisor
Kristen Burleson
Career Counselor
Jennika Celo, M.S.
Counseling Faculty
Kirk Collins, M.S.
Counseling Coordinator
Rancho Campus
Ricardo Diaz, M.S.
Counseling Faculty 
Opening Doors to Excellence
Fabiola G. Espitia, M.S., PPS
Counseling Faculty
Fontana GPS Center 
Lizzete Garcia, M.S. 
Counseling Faculty, Fontana Campus 
Joan of Arc Godinez, M.S. 
Counseling Faculty
Fontana Campus 
Rocio Gutierrez, M.S. 
Counseling Faculty
Chino GPS Center
Karina Jabalera, M.S. 
Counseling Faculty
Julie A. Law, M.S. 
Counseling Faculty 
Articulation Officer
Opening Doors to Excellence Coordinator
Helen Leung, M.S. 
Counseling Faculty 
Honors Program 
Transfer Center Liaison
Michelle V. Martinez, M.A., MFT
Counseling Faculty, Chino GPS Center 
Brent J. McLaren, M.A.
Counseling Faculty 
Umoja Coordinator    
Monica Molina, M.A.
Counseling Faculty
Celeste Mor, M.S., M.F.T.
Counseling Faculty 
Health Sciences Liaison
Jeff Moser
Counseling Faculty, Athletics
Cherlou Opulencia, M.S.
Counseling Faculty
Charles Prattella, M.S., P.P.S.
Counseling Faculty
GPS Counseling Coordinator
Athena Corrales

Counseling Faculty
Puente Program

Wendy Whitney
Career Counselor

Academic and Career Counseling Support Staff

Juanita Berry
Program Assistant
GPS Front Desk, Rancho
Chat with Juanita Berry
Janette Carbajal
Program Assistant
GPS Front Desk, Chino
Chat with Janette Carbajal
Triana Castillo
Program Assistant
GPS Front Desk, Fontana
Chat with Triana Castillo
Marcus Loring
Program Assistant
GPS Front Desk, Rancho
Chat with Marcus Loring
Kimberly Mendoza
Program Assistant
Counseling Front Desk, Rancho
Chat with Kimberly Mendoza
Holly Rangel
Program Assistant
Opening Doors Front Desk, Rancho
Chat with Holly Rangel
Norris Spagner
Program Assistant
Counseling Front Desk, Rancho Campus