Academic Probation

Chaffey College is committed to helping you accomplish your educational goals. The pathway to these goals sometimes involves overcoming challenges and obstacles to success. When those challenges result in a substandard academic performance, there are programs and services available to help you get back on track to your SUCCESS!

To help insure you are making progress, Chaffey employs policies and procedures that monitor your progress and encourage you to utilize the many support services that can help you along the way. Probation and Dismissal Policies are mandated by the State of California to inform you when your academic progress is faltering and give you direction on what you can do to regain good standing. There are three levels of probation addressed by these policies.


Level 1 Probation

Academic Probation: A student who has attempted 12 semester units or more as shown by the official academic record and has earned a cumulative grade point average below 2.0 in all units.

Progress Probation: A student who has attempted  a total of12 semester units or more as shown by the official academic record, and reaches 50% or more of the units with grades such as  W, I, NP and/or NC grades (2019-2020 Catalog | 35). 


New Legislation affecting students on probation-Student Success Act of 2012 (SB 1456)

The State of California recently passed legislations requiring Chaffey to remove students from prioritized registration if they are on two or more consecutive semesters of probation. Prioritized registration is the process by which the college assigns appointments for students to register. Continuing students are given appointments based on the number of units completed in prior semesters. The more units earned the earlier the registration date. You are at risk of losing your prioritized registration.


What do I need to do to avoid the loss of prioritized registration?

You will not lose your registration priority if you get off probation by earning a cumulative GPA of 2.0, or have less than 50% of your grades earned in W, I, NC, and NP grades by the end of the semester you were notified of being on Level 1 probation.

If you continue onto Level 2 probation, you will lose your prioritized registration. You may petition to appeal the loss of prioritized registration if one of the following applies to your circumstances:

  1. Earning a minimum of 2.0 GPA in courses completed the immediate semester prior to advancing to Level 2 probation or dismissed standing.
  2. Have extenuating circumstances such as hospitalization, death in the family, and/or military deployment. These circumstances must be verifiable with official documentation.

Make every effort to earn a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 in the semester you receive notification of your Level 1 probation standing. At a minimum, you can use this to appeal the loss of your prioritized registration if you advance to 2nd level probation.


How do I make an appointment for an Academic Success Learning Group?

Please contact our office at for more information.


How do I get off Level 1 Probation?

By completing these steps, you will be able to get off of probation and be in good standing with Chaffey College. 

To remove yourself from Academic Probation you will need to raise your Chaffey College cumulative GPA to 2.0 or higher. Note: C’s are an average grade and will not help in boosting your GPA. Work with a counselor to determine which courses to retake with substandard grades (Ds, Fs and FWs). 

To remove yourself from progress probation you will need to pass your current and future classes with an A, B or C to get above a 50% completion rate. Do not earn grades of W, FW, NP, NC or I they will not assist you with getting off of progress probation.

By completing these steps, you will be able to get off of probation and be in good standing with Chaffey College.


Can I do this in one semester?

 Yes, you can get off probation with the grades you earn at the end of the semester that you receive your letter. If not, you will advance to the next level of probation.


Will I be blocked from registering?

 You must attend an Academic Success Learning Group and/or make an appointment to see a counselor. You will not be blocked from registering, but if you advance to the next level of probation you may lose access to prioritized registration.


Will this affect my financial aid?

Your academic performance is an essential component of eligibility for financial aid. The financial aid office uses its own probation and termination policies and procedures for students receiving financial aid. Consult the financial aid office about how your academic performance affects your eligibility for financial aid.

Visit the Financial Aid page to learn more.


What happens if I don't get off probation by the end of the semester?

 If you don't get off probation you will advance to Level 2 probation. Another letter will be sent to you regarding this standing with information on what you must to do to regain good standing. In addition, you may lose access to prioritized registration as well as loss of California College Promise Grant (CCPG), if eligible.


Level 2 Probation

Academic Probation: A student who has completed 12 semester units as shown by the official academic record and has earned a cumulative grade point average below 2.0 in all units for two consecutive semesters.

Progress Probation: A student who has enrolled in a total of at least 12 semester units as shown by the official academic record when the percentage of W, I, and/or NC grades reaches or exceeds fifty percent (50%) of all units in which the student has enrolled for two consecutive semesters (2019-2020 Catalog | 35).



Loss of Prioritized Registration


New Student Success Act of 2012 (SB 1456)

You may no longer participate in prioritized registration if you advance to 2nd level probation. The State of California recently passed legislation requiring Chaffey to remove students from prioritized registration if they   are on two or more consecutive semesters of probation. Prioritized registration is the process by which the college assigns appointments for students to register. Continuing students are given appointments based on the number of units completed in prior semesters. The more units earned the earlier the registration date. Students on 2nd level probation will be given a registration appointment during the new and returning student registration period after continuing students register.


Petition to appeal the loss of California College Promise Grant (formerly the BOG Fee Waiver) and Enrollment Priority

Students may appeal the loss of prioritized registration under one or both of the following circumstances:

  1. Earning a 2.0 GPA in courses completed the immediate semester prior to advancing to 2nd level or dismissed standing.
  2. Have extenuating circumstances such as hospitalization, death in the family, and/or military deployments. These circumstances must be verifiable with official documentation

Complete and submit the petition with the appropriate requested documentation to the Admissions and Records Office at any of the college locations. Please note the deadline for submitting the petition stated on the form.

You will be notified of the results of your petition by mail and email. Please allow 2 to 3 weeks after the deadline for submitting your petition before you receive a communication from the college. Students are granted only one approved petition.


 What happens when you are on 2nd level probation?

You receive a letter from Chaffey Opening Doors Program informing you of your Level 2 Probationary standing. You will be directed to attend an information session with the Opening Doors to Excellence Program. The appropriate letter will be sent to you based on your cumulative GPA with instructions on how to access your academic information via MyChaffey Portal.


How do I get off Level 2 Probation?

To get off of probation you will need to complete the steps following your current probationary standing.

To remove yourself from academic probation you will need to raise your Chaffey College cumulative GPA to 2.0 or higher. Note: C’s are an average grade and will not help in boosting your GPA. Work with a counselor to determine which courses to retake with substandard grades (Ds, Fs and FWs).

To remove yourself from progress probation you will need to pass your current and future classes with an A, B, or C to get above a 50% completion rate. Do not earn grades of W, FW, NP, NC or I, it will not assist you with getting off of progress probation.

By completing these steps, you will be able to get off of probation and be in good standing with Chaffey College.


What happens if I don't get off probation by the end of the semester?

If you don't get off probation, you will advance to dismissed standing. Another letter will be sent to you regarding this standing with information on the action being taken by the college to dismiss you. You will have the opportunity to appeal this action and possibly be allowed to continue your enrollment by signing a Readmissions Contract. If not, you will not be allowed to enroll for the subsequent term and possibly summer session. The letter will specify what steps you need to take to appeal the dismissal action and the terms of your dismissal.


Can I get off Level 2 Probation in one semester?

Yes, you can get off 2nd level probation with the grades you earn at the end of the semester that you receive  the letter. If not, you will advance to dismissed standing. The lower your cumulative GPA and/or the more units you have in Ws, I, NP, and/or NC grades the more difficult it will be for you to get off probation in one semester.

For more information visit Opening Doors to Excellence.


Will I be blocked from registering?

You are required to attend an information session about the Opening Doors to Excellence Program. If you do not attend an information session by the specified deadline you will be blocked from registering until you attend a session. The letter sent to you will specify how to make an appointment for an information session.


Will this affect my financial aid?

Your academic performance is an essential component of eligibility for financial aid. The financial aid office uses its own probation and termination policies and procedures for students receiving financial aid. Consult the financial aid office about how your academic performance affects your eligibility for financial aid.

Visit the Financial Aid page to learn more.