President's Update


A Message from Superintendent/
President Shannon

Henry D. Shannon

Dear Chaffey College and Community Members,

As summer unfolds, I hope this season brings you opportunities for relaxation, quality time with loved ones and moments of inspiration.

At Chaffey College, there were many reasons to feel inspired during the month of June. Two examples are the action-packed celebrations we hosted on campus for Pride and Juneteenth. These events served as reminders of the importance of honoring identity, heritage and culture – and the beauty within that unifies us all. I am grateful to our campus community for
consistently showing up to support one another.

It may be the middle of the year, but like most colleges, Chaffey is about to begin a brand-new fiscal and academic year. With this change comes excitement for a refreshed beginning as we prepare to welcome back new and returning students for fall term in August.

Our fall enrollment numbers are currently up from this time last year by about 20 percent, which is very exciting! I am looking forward to welcoming students back when fall term begins August 12.

Even though we are in the middle of summer, our progress toward making the Chaffey student experience even better continues. This month our new Student Support Team model was announced – offering students a more personalized support system throughout their journey at Chaffey. I am proud that our staff and faculty continue to develop innovative ways to
serve our students’ needs. Learn more here.

There is much to celebrate and much to look forward to. But for now, enjoy the summer!

Henry D. Shannon, Ph.D.