Committee and Safety Plan

Health &  Safety Committee

The District Health and Safety Committee meets on a regular basis (at least quarterly) to review areas of concern to assure a safe and healthy environment for all students, faculty, staff and visitors. The Health and Safety Committee evaluates and makes recommendations regarding District health and safety policies and procedures.

Eye wash high voltage sign spill kit stattion sign

In case of an chemical accident or  hazardous spill, areas of the labs are clearly marked with signage, and emergency equipment is available for immediate response to the incident.


The committee initiates, develops, reviews and updates District procedures concerning 
health and safety issues, responds to new initiatives as they arise, and monitors the 
effectiveness of current procedures.

Emergency Fire blanket Emergency Gas shut-off sign Emergency fuel pump shut-off sign

In the case of a fire in the lab, protective blankets and shut-off valves are clearly displayed.


Committee description and membership list

Special Announcements

No special announcements at this time

Police Department

The district's police department maintains crime statistics that occur on our campus facilities, on property owned
or controlled by the district, and on public property within or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campuses. 
This information is produced in compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus and 
Crime Statistics Act. You can obtain a copy of this report by contacting the Chaffey College Police Department at (909) 652-6632
or by accessing the following link: Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act Compliance.


Health & Safety Plan Overview

The District has established the following Health and Safety Programs:


Organic Chemicals stored in lab.
Organic Chemicals stored in lab
International Biohazard Symbol
International Biohazard Symbol
Material Safety Data Sheets manual (MSDS)
Material Safety Data Sheets manual (MSDS)
Labels for care and handling of hazardous materials.
Labels for care and handling of hazardous materials.

Hazard chemistry labelsChemistry hazard label 2