Health and Safety Committee

Purpose: The Health and Safety Committee exists to evaluate and make recommendations regarding District health and safety policies and procedures.

Scope: The committee will initiate, develop, review, and update District procedures concerning District health and safety issues, responding to new initiatives as they arise, and monitoring the effectiveness of current procedures.

Reports to: Associate Superintendent, Business Services, Human Resources, and IT Services

Terms of Office: Each member serves for two years, with half of the membership rotating off the committee each year.

Chairperson: Tri-Chairs are Captain Audley Francis (management), [VACANT] (faculty) and [VACANT] (classified)

Members: Itzia Acosta, Troy Ament, Cynthia Barney, Sam Gaddie, Nicole Leonard, Rich Levine, Amy Nevarez, Areli Rodriguez, Lymari Salazar, Jasmeet Singh, and Pak Tang.

Meeting Day and Time: Meetings are scheduled three times per semester on Wednesdays from 2:00-3:00 PM in the Information Services Meeting Room.
