College Services

Students walk near the library at the Chaffey College Rancho Cucamonga campus.

Overview of the Purchasing Process

When interested in purchasing items:

  • Request a quote from the vendor
  • Create a requisition in Ellucian Colleague, the District's ERP software, and submit the quote to the appropriate Buyer in the Purchasing Services Department
  • The Buyer will create a Purchase Order, Blanket Purchase Order, and/or contract
  • The Item(s) will be shipped to the warehouse and the invoice will be mailed to the Accounts Payable Department.
  • When you receive the invoice from Accounts Payable, sign and date it
    • In the event that the vendor sends the invoice to you, please sign to indicate that the items have been received and send it to the Accounts Payable Department via email at

Backup: Quotes and Proposals

Procuring product and/or services for departments involves obtaining back up documentation to be used to enter requisitions.  Back up documentation includes, but is not limited to, the following: Quotations (Quotes), Proposals, Internet Print Screens, Catalogs, Copies of Catalogs, Invoices (for prepayments only).

All back up is to be forwarded to the purchasing buyer for use in processing requisitions into purchase orders, blanket purchases orders, and/or contracts and agreements.

Purchasing may also solicit for additional quotes as this task is a purchasing function and will ensure that the district is receiving the best price possible for its purchases. Purchasing also ensures that the vendor selected for the purchase adheres to the district's negotiated terms and conditions.

Quotes and proposals must not be shared with other vendors until after a vendor is chosen to place a purchase with, and then the information is only shared by purchasing services. Sharing of price quotes and proposals are not legal with the rules of Chaffey College or state statutes. Only after a PO or BPO is issued can prices from other vendors be shared.

Billing Information

All mailed invoices should be sent to accounts payable (A/P).

Chaffey College
Accounts Payable
5885 Haven Avenue
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91737

Electronic invoices should be emailed to

Vendors are to reference the PO number or contract number on their invoice.

Invoices addressed to other locations may delay payment.

A/P shall forward the invoice to the budget manager for approval to ensure the products have been received or service has been completed. After the budget manager signs the invoice, return the approved invoice to A/P. Be sure the purchase order number is on the invoice and that “approved” or “ok to pay” appears on the invoice.

When invoices for supplies or services received by departments directly, the budget manager should verify the items have been received and sign the invoice. Send the approved invoice to accounts payable for processing payment. Ensure the PO number is included on the invoice and that “approved” or "ok to pay" appears on the invoice.

Changes to Purchases and/or Contracts and Agreements

Changes to orders, or order cancellations, are initiated by the requesting department by completing a Purchasing Change Request form. A link to the form is provided below.

Purchasing Change Request form - College Services

Purchasing Change Request form - Public Works

Changes to orders include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Cancellation of Order
  • Change in Authorized User
  • Change in Effective Duration Period (applicable to BPO’s)
  • Increase/Decrease to Purchase Amount
  • Change in Quantity
  • Change in Product
  • Change in Scope of Service

Purchasing Change Request forms must also be completed when a change to a contract is needed. Changes to contracts include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Cancellation of Contract
  • Change in Authorized Approver
  • Change in Commencement Date
  • Change in Completion Date
  • Increase/Decrease to Contract Amount
  • Change in Scope of Work

If you are uncertain as to how to complete the change request form, please contact your point of contact buyer.

Contracts and Agreements in General

Purchasing creates or reviews all contracts to ensure the agreements terms provide adequate protection to the district.  There are several types of district contracts that are for construction, maintenance, professional services, independent contracts and other services. If the contract or agreement is not drafted by the Purchasing department, the Purchasing department should review the contract or agreement before you submit the requisition.

General review of contracts takes approximately 1-2 days. However, when a contract requires modifications like strike-outs (deletions) or additions, the processing of the final contract will be delayed.

  • Once the Datatel entry is complete, send all back-up material for the contract to the appropriate Buyer Point of Contact. Include the scope of work (if the initial review did not include the scope of work), the start and end dates, and the name of the person signing off the work as complete.
  • Once the requisition has been approved in Datatel, three copies of the contract is generated and sent to the vendor/contractor for their signature(s).
  • The signed contract copies are returned to Purchasing, along with the vendor’s certificate of insurance with required endorsements. Upon receipt, one of the District approved signers will sign the contract.
  • Lastly, the signed contract is distributed and the contractor can begin the work.

The district lets four types of standard-form service contracts:

  • field agreements
  • independent contractor or consulting services agreements
  • professional service agreements
  • short-form service agreements

All service contracts must be in writing and must include the following basic elements:

  • scope of work (e.g. description of services, deliverables, etc.)
  • schedule (e.g. dates, times, constraints, etc.)
  • price and payment (e.g. deposit required, fee type, hourly rates, etc.)
  • any other terms and conditions (e.g. key personnel requirements, license requirements, etc.)

Purchasing must review and approve ALL other contracts, specifically those on vendor provided forms. This includes such contract as hotel rental agreements, catering agreements, leases, etc.

Board Policy on Contracts and Agreements

Per Board Policy 6340 contracts are not enforceable obligations until they are presented in a monthly agenda item for ratification by the Governing Board. All contracts that exceed amounts specified per applicable statues, codes, and regulations shall require prior approval by the Governing Board.

Signatory Authority

Only those individuals named on the district authorized signature list are authorized to sign contracts and agreements on behalf of the College. The district authorized signature list is designated by the Governing Board.

Field Agreements

For construction work under $60,000 or maintenance/repair work.

Independent Contractor/Consulting Services Agreements

For administrative or technical support services to provide either specific services/deliverables during a specific term, or general services for a specified time period (e.g., hours, days, weeks, months, etc.). Any contract involving expenditures greater than the current statutory bid threshold must be publicly bid and awarded per California Public Contract Code section 20651 et. seq.

Professional Services Agreements

For professional services, such as accounting services, legal services, health services, DSA Inspection Services, and other licensed/certificated/expert services.

Short Form Services Agreements

The standard Short Form Services Agreement is for individuals who perform services up to $1,000, whether performed over multiple dates or just one-time.  Requests typically include music and dance performances, workshops, guest lecturers, photography, and sports-related services.  Note: your buyer point of contact will include an addendum for services pertaining to Evaluator Services.  

Please note:

  1. This agreement can only be used for individuals.  For all other entities, contracts must be written on the District's independent contractor services agreement.  
  2. All SFSA requests must have a requisition entered in Colleague.
  3. All requests must entered via SciQuest as a Contract Request.  Please contact your buyer point of contact for assistance in setting up your account.
  4. The vendor must submit an IRS W-9 form.
  5. The initiator will fill out the SFSA and upload the unsigned agreement to SciQuest, along with any related back-up (i.e., W-9, quote, invoice, etc).

All Short Form Service Agreements must include the following:

  1. Contractor Information.
  2. Description of Services - Specify the date(s), location, and the type of services to be performed.
  3. Contract Amount - Specify the rate in which services will be paid (hourly, per event/game, or lump sum), as well as the total not-to-exceed amount, and include a description of reimbursable expenses if included.

Presenters (Guest Lecturer/Performance) Contracts

Presenters provide limited one-time or limited-term presentations/lectures/seminars/special project for staff development and/or related training sessions, not teaching classes or courses; or specialized services not generally performed by district personnel that is required only for brief periods of time on an infrequent basis. Contracts that are more than $1,000 will require approval by the district’s leadership team.

There are two types of presenters: employees and non-employees.

  • Non-employees are independent contractors, and purchasing contracts with them using either our short-form service agreement or independent contractor service agreement as appropriate.
  • Employees (i.e. current tax year faculty including adjunct / staff) may serve as presenters, but should be compensated under the applicable employment agreement or as professional experts or short-term employees through the district’s human resources department.


Public works construction with an expenditure of greater than $60,000 but less than $200,000 is informally bid through CUPCCAA processes. Public works construction with an expenditure of greater than $200,000 must be publicly bid and awarded per California Public Contract Code section 20651 et. seq. See the Bids / RFPs link for additional information.

DOLLAR AMOUNT $45,000 or less Current Statutory Bid Threshold - See the section on Bids - Commodities Negotiable $600 or less



Repairs such as fencing, landscape, equipment replacement installation, etc.


Nurse practitioner

Interpreting services

Website design

Curriculum preparation

Test administration


Accounting services

Legal services

Health services

DSA inspection services

Other licensed certificate expert services


Guest speaker

Instructor evaluation

One-time service (interpreter or performer)

Student note taker




Vendor proposal w/ scope of work

Work start & end date

Project location (campus, building, and room #)

Please specify if pre-payment or deposit is needed prior to starting work


Vendor proposal w/ description of services and deliverables

Contract term

Cost (flat fee or hourly rate)

Vendor proposal w/ scope of services

Work start & end date


Completion of Short Form Service Agreement by department and vendor

Invoice if prepayment is needed



Department is responsible for coordination of work through M&O


N/A Contact your Buyer Point of Contact to negotiate price and terms and conditions


Original signature on agreement is needed

Approved invoice needed for prepayment




Approved requisition needed to process contract

Contract must be fully executed prior to start of work


Approved requisition needed to process contract

Contract must be fully executed prior to start of work

Approved requisition needed to process contract

Contract must be fully executed prior to start of work

Approved requisition needed to process contract

Contract must be fully executed prior to start of work



All contracts are approved or ratified by the Governing Board by action item or consent. Contracts must be executed (budget approved, complete, and signed) by the last working day of the month to ensure they are on the next board agenda. Incomplete contracts will be held for the following month.



General Information

The District leases its copiers from Konica Minolta through a District-wide lease contract. Every department is responsible for maintaining current department contact information, placing service calls, and ordering supplies.


Toner - Toner will be automatically replenished. It is not necessary to place an order for toner.

Staples – Staples are included at no cost, but must be ordered either via phone or online (similar to Service Calls procedure).

Waste Toner Box – It is recommended that an extra waste toner box be kept on hand as print jobs will be suspended if the waste toner box becomes full of used toner. A waste toner box may be ordered via phone or online.


Konica Minolta has designated an official trainer for Chaffey College. If you are interested in training (sample training topics - restricting usage, updating department address book, adding user codes) please schedule an appointment with our trainer.

Christina Sanders
Customer Support Representative
Phone: (909) 801-5267

Relocation and Moves

Please contact the Purchasing Services department at extension 6701 to request a copier move. Copiers should only be moved by an official Konica Minolta representative.

Emergency Purchases

An emergency purchase is one made in response to an unforeseen circumstance beyond the control of the college that presents an immediate threat to essential college functions, may result in excessive loss or damage to property, and/or may result in bodily injury or loss of life.

All emergency purchases shall be handled by Purchasing Services. Emergency situations may include:

Equipment that becomes inoperable and must be maintained to insure the safety and health of personnel or provide protection to building and grounds.

An educational function that cannot continue without an item.

In order to receive emergency items quickly, submit an on-line requisition and give Purchasing the requisition number so immediate action can be taken.

When an emergency occurs after business hours, notify the vendor directly. When business hours resume, notify Purchasing Services of your action and which vendor you contacted.

Individual employees are discouraged from "shopping" for materials and supplies at off-campus locations due to liability, quality and cost issues. Any savings realized by going to a local retailer are usually offset by the time it takes, the cost of transportation, the risk of accident while away from campus, and the "consumer" grade materials purchased. The professionals in Purchasing Services are usually able to procure commercial grade products at wholesale prices for you. If an emergency exists where items are needed immediately, contact your Point of Contact Buyer for procurement options prior to leaving campus on a shopping trip.

Purchase Reimbursement

The purpose of the purchase reimbursement form is to accommodate staff for purchases when a small item is required immediately or the staff member is able to receive special pricing that is not available through the purchasing system (e.g. purchase pamphlets available only at a conference you are attending.) This form can be used in lieu of the normal purchasing process when one of the previous stated conditions is met. The form should be completed and signed by the purchaser and the Budget Manager with the original receipts attached and submitted to Accounting Services. Purchases made in excess of $100.00 must have prior approval from the Director of Purchasing. The purchase reimbursement form is designed to be used primarily for small supply purchases.

Standard Computer/Software and AV Equipment

The standard computer/software and AV equipment list is generated and maintained by the information technology services (ITS) department. The standards list is available on the ITS website at, and by clicking in the Chaffey College equipment standards link.


Individual items priced between $500 and $4,999 are considered fixed assets by the district. Individual items priced at $5,000 or greater are considered capital assets by the district. All fixed and capital assets purchased must be tagged and inventoried by the warehouse.

Moving or Disposing Equipment

Prior to any equipment being moved on campus, it must be reported to purchasing on a district asset disposal/transfer form to maintain the current inventory. the asset disposal/transfer form is located on the purchasing public folder on the Z drive.

Disposing or retiring of equipment requires that the district surplus the equipment. An item is retired when it leaves the district’s inventory, and must be reported to purchasing on an asset disposal/transfer form. This includes loss due to theft, sale, trade-in or irreparable damage. An asset disposal/transfer form must be sent to purchasing which will assess the salvage ability of the item and notify either maintenance and operations or information technology services to pick it up. Property disposal is regulated by California Education Code 81450 and 81452. District equipment is purchased with taxpayer funds and may not be sold, traded, or thrown away without board approval and compliance with appropriate processes.

Donating Equipment

Prior to any equipment being donated to another organization, the donation must be reported to purchasing on district asset disposal/transfer form. An acknowledgment letter from the organization receiving the donation must be attached to the asset disposal/transfer form.

Receiving Donated Equipment

All materials or equipment to be donated to the college must be FIRST reported to the Chaffey College Foundation on a donor receipt/recognition form. The foundation will forward this report to purchasing so the item can be tagged for inventory. the foundation will also send an acknowledgement and thank-you to the donor.

ALL donations must receive approval in advance. Donations of potentially dangerous items or items containing hazardous materials are not appropriate. It is also possible that antiquated equipment may not be suitable for use or instruction.


General Information

The District has contracted with Office Depot to provide supplies utilizing desk-top delivery. Orders are placed by the authorized personnel within each Department.

After receipt of a copy of the BPO, the Authorized User can begin to place orders on the Office Depot business website. Deliveries will be made directly to the Authorized User.

If the Authorized User receives their order complete, sign and date the original packing list with "OK to Pay" and send it to Accounts Payable. Keep a copy of the packing list with the BPO for your records.

Direct any questions regarding Office Depot and account access to your buyer point of contact (POC).

Restricted Items

Restricted items include, but are not limited to, items related to technology, breakroom supplies, custom products such as stamps, etc. Restricted items will be reviewed and released upon approval.

For large items (e.g. furniture) or purchases of $500 or more (i.e. price plus tax), enter and approve a separate requisition for a purchase order to be processed by purchasing services. Purchasing will place the order for you using your requisition. These orders will be received and inspected by the warehouse; and warehouse staff will coordinate delivery to you.

Ordering Technology

Technology purchases require adherence to district procedures for procuring computer supplies and/or equipment. Contact your buyer POC for additional information.

Placing Orders

Responsibility of Placing Orders

Purchasing services has the responsibility of placing orders through the issuance of purchase orders, blanket purchase orders, and/or contracts and agreements. Purchase orders and blanket purchases orders are described below. Information regarding contracts and agreements can be found under the college services link.

Requisition Vs. Purchase Order/Blanket Purchase Order/Contract

A requisition is not a purchase order and, thus, cannot be sent to the vendor to procure products and/or services. Requisitions are internal electronic forms that are used to establish purchase descriptions, price, method of funding, etc. A purchase order is a legally binding contract between a vendor and the district.

Do not place an order, promise an order, or otherwise authorize the purchase of goods or services yourself without the proper documents, such as an approved blanket purchase order issued by purchasing. This may make you personally liable for payment to the vendor.


Detailed, online requisitions are submitted by the requesting department with all the proper approvals. Any supporting documentation, such as quotes, proposals, order forms, etc., must be sent to purchasing.

The steps to process a requisition are:

  1. Data Entry
  2. Budget Approval
  3. Source/PO Creation.

The time it takes to process requisitions to a purchase order depends upon how long it takes to go through the departmental approval path as well as on the complexity of the PO. Once the requisition has been approved by the budget manager(s), the requisition will appear in Datatel as “outstanding.” The requisition must show a status of “outstanding” in order for the buyer to process the requisition into a purchase order.

If the initiator of the requisition wishes to communicate information to either the buyer or accounts payable, they may do so by entering the information in the comments section of the requisition. The comments section is located on the first screen when entering the requisition in Datatel.

Reviewing/Approval Sequence

The purpose of reviewing requisitions is to ensure compliance with district or restricted account requirements and to correct object codes or other discrepancies. REVIEWING IS NOT APPROVAL.

Review/Approvals are required in this order:

  1. If the budget is restricted, (budget codes beginning with 10-5xxx, all object codes) requisition will be reviewed by appropriate person in accounting services.
  2. If instructional computer hardware and software, the requisition will be reviewed by the director of educational technology, (Object codes 56440, 56445, 54430).
  3. If non-instructional computer hardware and software, the requisition will be reviewed by the director of information services, (Object codes 56450, 56455, 54450).
  4. Lastly, all other requisitions, and those that have been reviewed, will be approved by the appropriate budget manager.

Requisitions should not be changed or canceled without contacting the originator/budget manager. Budget managers should routinely run reports (UNRQ and RREG) to determine what requisitions are still outstanding.

Purchase Orders

Purchase orders (POs) are for the procurement of specific items with a per unit price.

Purchasing reviews all items purchased for:

  • Correct budget number/account coding
  • Correct approvals
  • Vendor selection
  • Complete, detailed description of materials or service
  • Current prices, if necessary

It is against district policy as well as illegal to split orders in order to stay under certain dollar limits, subsequently lessening the competitive process.

For orders exceeding the current statutory bid threshold, please contact your buyer point of contact as the purchase will require a bidding process. the current statutory bid threshold is found under the link for commodity bids under the Bids / RFPs section.

Blanket Purchase Orders

Blanket purchase orders (BPOs) are open purchase orders for the procurement of goods and maintenance-repairs on an as-needed or emergency basis when the issuance of a standard purchase order or service contract is unreasonable or impractical under the circumstances.

BPOs are generally used for the following types of procurements:

  • As-needed instructional and non-instructional supplies - consumables only
  • Emergency maintenance-repairs or materials necessary to permit the continuance of classes/District operations, or to avoid danger to life or property.
  • Minor repairs and servicing of equipment


BPOs cannot be used for the following procurements:

  • Purchases of computers, electronics, any single item/good that is $500 or more, or any restricted item/good (e.g. ITS approval required).
  • Any goods or services that require bid - when the purchase is equal to or greater than the current statutory bid threshold, whether for a single item/service or in the aggregate.
  • Furniture, fixtures, equipment (FF&E)
  • Public Works
  • When a service contract is required

Purchasing approves and issues all BPOs upon entry of an approved requisition in Datatel by the requesting department/program. The requisition must: (1) specify whether delivery is "will call" or "Ship to Chaffey College Warehouse", (2) list the persons authorized to use the BPO, (3) a not to exceed amount, (4) an effective period, and (5) reference to a price list or provides instructions for the vendor to submit a quote and obtain approval in advance of delivery (Purchasing will request confirmation of Vice President/President approval via e-mail for BPOs of $5,000 or more).

Procedures for receiving delivery of BPO procured goods and services:

Purchase of goods with delivery received in the Warehouse: Warehouse Staff will receive and inspect items using a copy of the District's BPO and the vendor's packing slip, and will deliver goods to the requisitioning department/program, who will sign a receipt acknowledgment upon delivery of the order.

Purchase of goods by will call (e.g. BPO for Home Depot, instructional food supplies, etc.) and purchase of services/utilities (e.g. BPOs for repairs, etc.), the requisitioner must send a signed invoice approving payment to Accounting Services, with a copy to John Martinez, Warehouse Specialist. Emails and faxes from the requisitioner approving payment are also sufficient. The signature approving payment acknowledges receipt of the goods.


Saving money is always a prime consideration when making a purchase. All personnel are expected to secure maximum value for our dollars and conserve College funds. State, college, and university contracts are developed and competitively bid with those same goals in mind and generally offer quality products and services at fair prices. It's important to remember that these contracts are developed with much more than just lowest cost in mind. They also include value added services such as prompt delivery, extensive reports, and other services that benefit the College as a whole. The competitive bidding process affords all interested vendors an opportunity to participate in our business and the contracts that result from such processes are legal binding documents through which Chaffey College and the vendor must adhere.

Contact your buyer point of contact for a list of vendors that participate in contracts that can be piggy backed and for additional information on this subject.

Purchasing with Federal Grant Funds

Purchasing with Federal Grant Funds

Purchase Order Terms and Conditions

Purchase Order Terms and Conditions


Audio Visual Repairs

Complete a work requisition describing the equipment information and the nature of the problem. Send the work requisition to audio visual to determine if the repair can be done in-house. If audio visual is unable to repair the equipment, see equipment repairs. For questions related to A/V repairs call extension 2445.

Repairs Covered Under Maintenance Agreements

Departments are responsible for placing service calls for equipment covered under a maintenance contract. A list of vendors and phone numbers is in purchasing services.

Equipment Repairs

All equipment repairs through outside vendors are processed through Accounting Services. Prior to submitting a requisition, consult with purchasing services to check for cost effectiveness. After consultation with the department budget manager, submit an on-line requisition and leave the budget number blank. Contact accounting services with the requisition number and they will complete the requisition and submit it to purchasing.

Hardware/Software and Telephone Repairs

Information technology services has implemented a web page to use when requesting hardware, software and telephone repair services. Submit requests online on a computer repair request form. 

After Work Hour Emergency Requests

After normal working hours, contact campus police for emergency facility maintenance repairs.


All requests for merchandise to be returned will be made via e-mail by the requisitioner to Purchasing. The items will remain with the requisitioner until the approval to return the items has been processed.

Please be aware that a restocking fee may apply for certain returns.

Shortages/Damages/Incorrect Items

The requestor should report any order shortages, wrong items received, damaged merchandise, etc. to Purchasing Services.

Sales and Use Tax

Chaffey College is responsible for paying applicable sales and use tax when purchasing products and certain services. The current sales tax rate for the County of San Bernardino is 7.75%. Please ensure that tax is applied to your purchases when entering Purchase Requisitions in Datatel.

Use Tax

California use tax is imposed on consumers of merchandise (tangible personal property) that is used, consumed, or stored in this state.

Even if a vendor does not charge sales tax when procuring an item, tax must be added to the Purchase Requisition as this amount is considered the use tax and is payable to the State of California.

Information on Sales and Use Tax can be found at the California State Board of Equalization website.



When to Use Sole Source/Single Source Procurement

In cases where there is no practical value in soliciting competition for materials or equipment and where only one source is available, it may be possible to make the purchase without formal bidding. Purchasing will evaluate each request and make a determination whether a sole source acquisition is appropriate. To initiate the process:

Sole/Single-source procurements must be justified in sufficient detail to explain the basis for suspending the usual competitive procurement process. Sole/Single-source procurements also require board approval prior to purchase if no prior resolution authorizing the purchase of the goods/services exists.

Be careful with focusing on bells and whistles of the product that do not necessarily go to the heart of why the product is being sought. One court has observed that the uniqueness of the product goes to the functionality of the equipment, not the "really nice extra features" aspect of the product. Also be careful to distinguish between "sole source" and "sole product." If only one PRODUCT will do the job, but that product is available from different vendors, a "sole source" acquisition is not appropriate. Contact your Point of Contact Buyer for additional information or clarification.


Single Source - Defined

Single Source is procurement in which, although two or more vendors supply the commodities or services, the department selects one for substantial reasons, eliminating the competitive bidding process. 'Single' means 'the one among others'.

Sole Source - Defined

Sole Source is procurement in which only one vendor is capable of supplying the commodity or service. This may occur when the goods or services are specialized or unique in character. Written justification must be provided. 'Sole' means 'the one and only'.

Sole Source Justification Letter

Submit a sole source justification letter to Purchasing Services that includes:

  1. A product description, including quantity and technical features.
  2. History of prior purchases and their nature (competitive vs. noncompetitive)
  3. Statement as to the unique circumstances that require award by noncompetitive bid/proposal.
  4. An explanation of why the product is unique, if applicable: either (a) The product has special technical qualities, essential to the proposed use/function, and no acceptable substitutes are available from another supplier/manufacturer; or (b) The product is a replacement or auxiliary part to match existing specialized equipment with unique physical design and quality requirements serving a particular function/use.
  5. Proof of no known equal, including a description of attempts to find an equal from other vendors and verification/information of only one available source.
  6. An explanation that the purchase price is reasonable: (a) Attach documents that prove that the manufacturer offers the best price available because a purchase from a distributor includes the distributor’s mark-up. (b) Attach a written certification letter from the vendor that its sales price is the best price it offers to any similarly situated educational or non-profit customer.
  7. Description of the efforts made to find competitive sources.
  8. Statement as to the efforts that will be taken in the future to promote competition for the requirement.
  9. Letter must be signed/approved by Dean/Director and Vice President. Once your letter has been received, then your sole source request may have to go before the board for approval.



Travel for Students

All costs associated with student travel include event registration, airfare, mileage, meals and incidentals, car rental, hotel stay, etc. are to be paid through the purchasing requisition process. There is a specific object code that is to be used for student travel. See the chart of accounts or contact accounting services for the specific account to use.

When a student is traveling, the Department paying for the travel will need to enter a requisition for all expenses associated with the travel. All back up is to be forwarded to your Buyer Point of Contact for processing the purchase order(s). If you require any assistance with making reservations please contact your buyer point of contact.

Please allow a minimum of two weeks for processing of the purchase order and payment for student travel. If any of the travel costs require payment within less than two weeks, please contact your buyer point of contact immediately.

Travel for Faculty and Staff

All costs associated with the travel of faculty and staff is to be completed utilizing the Travel and Conference form. These costs include event registration, airfare, mileage, meals and incidentals, car rental, hotel stay, etc. Travel for faculty and staff does not use the Purchasing requisition process. The travel arrangements are made through the various departments. If you require assistance with these arrangements, such as securing hotel accommodations or registration for events, please contact your buyer point of contact.

Requests must be approved prior to traveling and attending conferences. These requests are to be submitted on the travel conference request form to the Accounting office after all the signatures have been obtained.

Travel and conference forms are completed for faculty and staff and sent to accounting services to process any prepayments. Accounting services will return the travel and conference form to the department to complete actual expenses after the event has occurred. All receipts are to be attached to the completed form and returned to accounting services. Payment for out-of-pocket expenses made by the individual will be reimbursed if applicable.

When traveling out-of-state or when the cost of travel is greater than $1,000, travel requests must be approved by the President. For instructional out-of-state travel or travel greater than $1,000, requests must be approved by the Vice President of Instruction and the President.


Requests for mileage reimbursement are submitted to accounting services with all the appropriate signatures on a mileage reimbursement form. The rate is based on federal guidelines and is adjusted every fiscal year. Contact accounts payable for current rate.

Business Meeting Expenses

This form can be used for pre-payments/reimbursements of business related expenses (primarily meals) for local meetings. This form is not intended to replace the travel conference form. Requests are to be submitted to accounting services with all appropriate signatures. Please attach all receipts and a copy of the meeting flyer/agenda if available.