Data Dashboards
- Population Snapshot
- This dashboard provides a demographic snapshot of students enrolled at Chaffey College. Information provided includes: the total number of students, disaggregated by gender, ethnicity, age range, and CTE status. The user can filter the information by academic year, ACC, and/or modality.
- Enrollments and Headcounts
- This dashboard provides data on enrollments (duplicated) and headcounts (unduplicated) over a five-year period. Compared to the “Population Snapshot” dashboard, this dashboard provides a more detailed look at the students enrolled at Chaffey College. The user can filter the information by course characteristics, student characteristics, and student service areas. This dashboard can be used by Deans, Coordinators, and Program Service Review (PSR) writers to answer questions such as, “How many students were in my ACC/program/service area during a given year?”; “How have enrollments in my ACC/program/service area changed over time?”; “How many students in my ACC/program/service area are in special populations?”; “What are the demographic characteristics of students within my ACC/program/service area?”; etc.
- Success and Retention
- This dashboard provides data on success and retention rates over a five-year period. The user can filter the information by course characteristics, student characteristics, and student service areas. This dashboard can be used by Deans, Coordinators, and Program Service Review (PSR) writers to answer questions such as, “What was the average success rate and retention rate in my ACC/program/service area during a given year?”; “How has success and retention in my ACC/program/service area changed over time?”; “How does success and retention in my ACC/program/service area differ among different student groups?”; etc.
- Student Equity Plan
- This dashboard displays data for the five metrics included in the Student Equity Plan (SEP). The Chancellor's Office provided the data for each metric across cohort years (cohorts are inclusive of first time in college students). Data is disaggregated by demographic variables and intersected with gender to examine disproportionate impact. Disproportionate Impact (DI) occurs when “access to key resources and supports or academic success may be hampered by inequitable practices, policies, and approaches to student support or instructional practices affecting a specific group” [Title 5 Section 55502(e)]. This can lead to unequal outcomes in terms of academic achievement, retention rates, graduation rates, or access to resources and opportunities. This dashboard can be used to answer questions such as, “Which student populations experience disproportionate impact in regards to: enrollment, persistence, transfer Math & English, awards, and transfers?”
- Awards (Degrees and Certificates)
- This dashboard provides data on awards (degrees and certificates) conferred over a five-year period. The user can filter the information by ACC, department, award characteristics, and student characteristics. This dashboard can be used by Deans, Coordinators, and Program Service Review (PSR) writers to answer questions such as, “How many certificates/degrees were conferred in my ACC/program/service area during a given year?”; “How many students earned an award in my ACC/program/service area during a given year?”; “Has the number of awards conferred and/or award earners changed over time?”; “How does awards conferred/award earners in my ACC/program/service area differ among different student groups?”; etc.