Onboarding Pathways

Start Your Pathway Here

Guidance 3: Career Exploration & Life Planning (3 units)
This is the recommended first course. UC and CSU transferable.

Dual Enrollment Degree Pathways

Dual Enrollment Degree Pathways are intended to onboard students to courses that are directly applicable to associate degrees and/or to meet major and degree requirements at 4-year universities. Students should make an appointment with a Dual Enrollment Counselor to explore major and career fields, discuss course options, and create an educational plan that aligns with current and future goals. 

Dual Enrollment Degree/Certificate Pathway Options printable sheet

Dual Enrollment Certificate Pathways

Similar to Degree Pathways, Certificate Pathways offer students a direct connection to a field of study . However, for Certificate Pathways general education coursework is not required for completion. Certificate Pathways are attainable in a shorter amount of time and lead directly to vocational employment opportunities.  Students should make an appointment with a Dual Enrollment Counselor to explore course options and create an educational plan that aligns with their goals. 

Dual Enrollment Degree/Certificate Pathway Options printable sheet

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