Student Academic Integrity FAQs

Below we have listed answers to frequently asked questions received by the Office of Student Affairs. If your question is not addressed, please contact the office directly at

Student Academic Integrity Violations

The School Dean must meet with the student within ten (10) instructional days after the incident report has been submitted.

During the meeting between the School Dean and the student, the student will:

  • Have an opportunity to hear the alleged violations of the Student Academic Integrity Code along with any supporting documentation and evidence
  • Provide their side of the story, provide relevant information, and offer any mitigating factors

The meeting with the School Dean is not an evidentiary hearing.

Be prepared and bring copies of any supporting documentation. Focus on being honest, fair, respectful, responsible and trustworthy in your meeting with the School Dean.

Should a student fail to appear or to submit a written response for the meeting with the School Dean, that student may be considered as having waived their right to be present and the proceedings may continue without the student’s input. The School Dean may also place a place an Administrative Hold on the student’s account until they are able to meet with the student or a written response is received.

The School Dean will send a written resolution notice to the student and faculty initiator within five (5) instructional days from the date of the meeting between the School Dean and student summarizing the meeting and sanction imposed, if any. The School Dean will upload a copy of the resolution notice into the District-wide tracking system, add any notes, and then close the case.

The School Dean will consider the Student Incident Report and all accompanying documentation, the information gathered during the meeting with the student, and review the recommendation of the faculty initiator in determining what sanction, if any, is appropriate in accordance with the academic integrity sanctions. The School Dean may also conduct interviews with appropriate parties to determine the accuracy of the statements and other evidence for consideration. Then they will decide if the student is Not Responsible or Responsible for the alleged violations.

  • Not Responsible – In cases where it has been determined that insufficient evidence exists, by the Preponderance of Evidence standard, for a finding of Responsible for the alleged violation(s). The case is closed and a record is retained within the Office of Student Affairs via the District-wide tracking system.
  • Responsible – In cases where it has been determined that sufficient evidence exists, by the Preponderance of Evidence standard, for a finding that the student is Responsible for the alleged violation(s).

In all cases involving alleged violations of the Standards of Student Conduct, the standard of proof for determining whether a student is Not Responsible or Responsible is the Preponderance of Evidence standard (e.g., more likely than not).

If a student is found Responsible for violating the Student Academic Integrity Code, the School Dean will impose sanctions, as they deem reasonable and appropriate. The School Dean may impose the following sanctions: written reprimand, failing grade for an assignment, failing grade in the course, and removal from class.