Chaffey stands with students regardless of immigration status
January 23, 2025
Dear Chaffey Students,
At Chaffey College, we continue to stand by our institutional mission of improving lives through education and upholding a steadfast commitment to equity. We believe all students deserve the opportunity to learn, excel and thrive in a safe place.
We want to reaffirm that Chaffey College stands with our undocumented students and families with mixed immigration status.
The District has developed protocols to assist students who may be dealing with immigration enforcement issues that impact their education. If you are facing an immigration enforcement matter that may impact your education at Chaffey, please contact:
Dr. Tomeika Carter Hugo Flores
Acting Executive Director Director
Student Support Services Admissions and Records
909-652-6536 909-652-6620
Dr. Carter and Mr. Flores can provide you with important information that is intended to help minimize the disruption to your education that may result from an immigration enforcement matter.
We also want to remind you of resources available to you as a Chaffey student:
- Chaffey College PRISM Center (Rancho Campus, AD 191) - Pick up a “Know Your Rights” card for your wallet that you can keep with you at all times. Available in English and Spanish. These cards will also be available at all campus libraries.
- Know Your Rights Resource Page - Guidelines on what you can say and do if you are approached by an immigration official. (Provided by TODEC Legal Services.)
- Chaffey College Support – Have a question? Need to talk to someone? Need additional resources? Get connected through Chaffey’s Undocumented Student Resource page.
- Mental Health and Student Wellness - Our Social Wellness and Behavioral Support team is here to provide students with FREE
in-person or virtual support.
We also want to assure the entire Chaffey Community that the College has and will continue to adhere to California State laws that prohibit state law enforcement agencies, including the Chaffey Police Department, from “…using any agency or department moneys or personnel to investigate, interrogate, detain, detect, or arrest persons for immigration enforcement purposes.” This same law, which is codified through Gov. Code section 7284.6, prohibits the Chaffey Police from performing any functions of a federal immigration officer.
Simply put, Chaffey Police are not federal immigration officers and do not participate in federal immigration enforcement matters. This is the law, and we are committed to following it.
Chaffey stands by you, your families, and all of our communities, regardless of immigration status.
Thank you,
Henry D. Shannon, Ph.D.
Lisa Bailey
Associate Superintendent of Business Services and Economic Development
Michael McClellan, Ed.D.
Interim Associate Superintendent of Instruction and Institutional Effectiveness
Alisha Rosas
Associate Superintendent of Student Services and Strategic Communications
Troy Ament
Associate Superintendent of Administrative Services and Emergency Operations