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faculty in training room

Faculty Success Center

Chaffey College Faculty Success Center (FSC) supports faculty (including counselors, librarians success center instructional specialists, and classroom faculty) in continuously improving their interactions with students. The FSC provides numerous opportunities for faculty to learn and share specific strategies that create a learning-centered, culturally responsive environment for students. Our goal is that as a result of instructors’ involvement with the FSC, they will be inspired to try new techniques, empowered to reach more students, energized in their passion for teaching, and engaged in collaborating with colleagues.  The FSC provides Chaffey faculty with opportunities to learn, grow and share about teaching and learning. The FSC hosts workshops, seminars and discussions for faculty members.

Visit the FSC Hub in Canvas for our schedule of events, teaching resources, past workshop/seminar materials, online learning, and more information


Ongoing FSC Activities

Interactive workshops
Engage in learning and sharing strategies, skills, and practices to other faculty members in an interactive and engaging way (1-2 hours of Flex credit possible)

Interactive learning with numerous opportunities for faculty to discuss, share, and/or apply principles or strategies to their own instructional practices (3-4 hours each Friday for 1 or 2 Fridays of Flex credit possible)

Faculty2Faculty Consultations
One-on-one consultations related to teaching and learning, equity-minded/culturally responsive/inclusive practices, instructional technology/apps, and other topics as needed (arranged via the FSC Hub Canvas calendar or email)

Success on Demand
Online asynchronous learning (Flex credit for completion, time varies)

Opportunity for faculty to observe faculty in action

Faculty Summer Institute
Intensive instruction with interactive, collaborative, and deep learning around a specific theme (20 hours on multiple days, including online learning)

New Faculty Orientation
Full-time faculty engage in a semester-long course with other new faculty focusing on the practical aspects of navigating Chaffey College and instructional strategies through an equity-mindset

Part-time faculty can engage in an online new faculty orientation to learn about the essential aspects of navigating Chaffey College as a faculty member (1 hour of flex credit)

Communities of Practice (participants are expected to participate in each regular learning community session for the semester and take part in the final project)

Communities of practice offer faculty the opportunity to engage in collaborative, ongoing learning with the same group of colleagues over the semester around a specific topic/focus. As part of the culmination of learning, participants will share out their learning in a group project or workshop. 

FSC Accommodations (open - see hours below)
The center provides the following:

  • Computers for part-time instructors
  • Wireless connection
  • Conference room
  • Comfortable lounge
  • Break room
  • Coffee/water/snacks


FSC Team

Tamari Jenkins
Faculty Success Center Facilitator
(909) 652-6926
Vicky Valle
Administrative Assistant
(909) 652-6928
Hannah Seidler
Faculty Scholar
(909) 652-6970
Stephen Calebotta
Faculty Scholar
(909) 652-6942
Grace Reotutar
Instructional Specialist
(909) 652-6974
Andrew Long
Dean of Instructional Support
(909) 652-6801


FSC Advisory Committee


Phone: (909) 652-6970
Email: facultysuccesscenter@chaffey.edu


Monday - Thursday: 8:30am-4pm
Fridays: 9am - 4pm.


Philosophy of the Faculty Success Center

  • We believe in students’ capacity for learning and successful completion of their goals with the right mindset, tools, resources and strategies.
  • We believe in instructors’ capacity for excellence in teaching, innovation, creativity and ability to engage students in learning.
  • We believe in the college’s capacity to empower students, faculty and staff to support teaching and learning throughout the college.
  • We believe in the dignity and scholarship of teaching and learning.
  • We believe that faculty can create equitable, culturally responsive, and inclusive learning environments that promote learning for students.
  • We believe that all learning is developmental – instructors can learn, grow and gain deeper insight into the art of teaching.
  • We believe that instructors bring unique perspectives to teaching and learning and they need time and opportunity to share those perspectives with their colleagues.
  • We believe that having high hope and a growth mindset can significantly improve the teaching and learning environment and increase success.


FSC Learning Outcomes

  • Faculty gain new strategies, ideas, and/or knowledge as a result of FSC activities.
  • Faculty have the opportunity to collaborate with and share ideas with colleagues across disciplines through FSC activities.
  • Faculty plan to apply and/or have applied learning from FSC activities.